Forget everything you know about washroom design. ASI has changed the paradigm—we are the new standard for basis of design.
Whoever said the washroom (the most frequented room in any building) shouldn’t be as nice as the lobby? ASI just gave the washroom a makeover—you can too.

The ASI Alpaco™ Collection — a marriage of European design and engineering with the American manufacturing ingenuity you have come to expect from ASI — with the shortest lead time in the industry.
ASI Alpaco™ Elegance Collection of partitions featured in black.

ASI also offers a wide range of colors and materials including steel, solid plastic, and phenolic.
ASI Phenolic Z Lockers featured in black phenolic.

The world's leading manufacturer of commercial washroom accessories. We offer the most comprehensive selection of washroom accessories available anywhere.
Our exclusive Velare™ Behind the Mirror Cabinet, EZ Fill™ Soap Dispensing System, and Piatto™ Collection of washroom accessories featured in matte black.